Category: blog

parable of the gay democrat

Parable of the Gay Democrat

If Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan today who would that be about? Would it be about the Good Homosexual? Or maybe the Good Democrat? Since Jesus said that it was a despised Samaritan then I figure it would be someone that most Christians despise, and from reading Facebook is seems like Christians don’t like gays or Democrats very much.



I hear that the government may shutdown tonight. I’m sure I don’t fully understand what that means, but sometimes I feel like I could use a shutdown too. It seems like I end up doing MORE and not LESS. I find that I am often active, but I don’t think that it always means I am productive…kind of like our government I guess.

the thin line

The Thin Line

With the eons that have long since past and the infinite time still yet to come I have been given a very small gift, a present if you will, of the present. My control of the past is over and my plans for the future are foggy at best, but I can influence this small nick of time that I now inhabit.

call to courage

Call to Courage

Why do we value security so much? The advice that is usually given to teens is go to school so you can get a good job and have security. The dream of most people is not a pursuit of happiness or fulfillment but it is a pursuit of security.

the lost art of running away

The Lost Art of Running Away

Why do we value more and not less? We want to do more, be more, accomplish more. I find that more things get added to my plate than taken away. Sometimes I feel like running away.

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