Overly Political Anonymous

Welcome to The Heretic’s Way! I am so glad you stopped by. If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or email. Thanks for visiting! Hi, my name is Judah and I am overly political. “Hi, Judah!” Have you ever known someone who is overly political? Someone who continually posts…

True Tolerance

True Tolerance

These days the word tolerance is tossed around like loads of horse crap from a stall. When people use that word is reminds me of that scene in “The Princess Bride” where Inigo Montoya says, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” A simple google search…

How to be Relevant

How to be Relevant

The other day my good friend Bonnie sent me a link about relevance. It was a good article about how some churches have watered down or compromised their message to be more “relevant.” It seems like that is the popular thing to do. The thing that I realized is that watering down the message doesn’t…

into the fire

Into the Fire

So I have officially jumped from the “frying pan into the fire!”
God sure has a funny way of doing things. After serving in full-time ministry for 18 years at the church that my dad founded I have felt God lead me to starting a new church. Although this has been something that has been in the back of my mind for about a decade I never really thought it would happen.

Holy Spit

Holy Spit

What holy spit has God been using in your life? Is there some painful, embarrassing, ugly or disgusting thing that is being used to bring God glory in you?