Tag: miracle

into the fire

Into the Fire

So I have officially jumped from the “frying pan into the fire!”
God sure has a funny way of doing things. After serving in full-time ministry for 18 years at the church that my dad founded I have felt God lead me to starting a new church. Although this has been something that has been in the back of my mind for about a decade I never really thought it would happen.

Holy Spit

Holy Spit

What holy spit has God been using in your life? Is there some painful, embarrassing, ugly or disgusting thing that is being used to bring God glory in you?

Losing Your Ear

Losing Your Ear

The other day I was reading through the Gospel of Luke. I like to read the Gospels because it is about Jesus. The problem that I have is that I have heard SO many teachings about Jesus and have read those books of the Bible SO many times that I tend to fill in the blanks while I read.

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