Holy Spit
What holy spit has God been using in your life? Is there some painful, embarrassing, ugly or disgusting thing that is being used to bring God glory in you?
The other day I was reading through the Gospel of Luke. I like to read the Gospels because it is about Jesus. The problem that I have is that I have heard SO many teachings about Jesus and have read those books of the Bible SO many times that I tend to fill in the blanks while I read.
Texans were hit with a surprise this past week. Close to 60 Billboards around the Lubbock, Texas area have featured a picture of Jesus…with tattoos! Many Texans are outraged at these billboards calling them “blasphemous” and “not appropriate.”
If Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan today who would that be about? Would it be about the Good Homosexual? Or maybe the Good Democrat? Since Jesus said that it was a despised Samaritan then I figure it would be someone that most Christians despise, and from reading Facebook is seems like Christians don’t like gays or Democrats very much.
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